Going through a website redesign? Keep these 5 tips in mind and use Lazworld.com Web development Services to help you through the process.
- Goal = more visitors and leads. The reason you are redesigning your website is to impact your business, not because you or your CEO are bored with the design. So, focus on the results you want: more visitors, leads, and customers and make decisions based on these goals.
- Avoid pitfalls. Inventory your assets and protect them. A website redesign can negatively impact your results by unintentionally removing the assets - website pages and links - that are driving the most leads for you. Make sure to figure out your most powerful pages and links and protect them during the redesign process.
- Invest in remarkable content that attracts visitors and converts them into leads. A fancy design does not necessarily bring results. Focus on function over over form. Create an ongoing content creation strategy (this means blogging!) to add more content to your website over time.
- Create conversion opportunities with calls to action and landing pages. Once you have visitors coming to your website, give them the opportunity to give you their contact information in exchange for content. This means using landing pages - and having control over your landing pages - as you build out your new website.
- Measure the impact on visitors and leads. At the beginning of your website redesign process, you decided you wanted to increase visitors and leads. Did it work? Make sure you have the website analytics in place to measure your progress towards your goals.
A business website is a business tool and should deliver business results. Leave the works of art to the galleries and museums. Your career and your company will thank you for it. To learn more about how Lazword.com Inc., can help you analyze your website, create content, and capture more leads contact Lazworld.com today.